NotesBoth products are unused and unopened all once passed into the hands of people, including junk and one of a kind used in the treatment of this item is. You bid on the understanding that the USED junk, ask your bid after fully no claim no return in. The situation currently, many exhibits and cannot respond to individual questions. In our inspection when conditions, is listed as a guide only and will never guarantee and product warranty and what isn't. Are second-hand and junk food on our available at buyer's own risk, so as a result we are not any responsibility whatsoever. Who will bid on our products at the mentioned description, shipping method, payment method, notes, etc., will be deemed to be hours of operation and make sure it agreed. I would like thank you so please bid on, so cannot accept any complaints ignored matters concerning what will be in and also check. Also, am here contacting you from cancellation in contact within 48 hours and not remitted within 72 hours if the bidder like convenience and happy. In doing so, YAHOO. From the side of the "very bad" rating with that please.
この商品説明は オークション落札相場サイト「オークファン」出品テンプレート で作成されています。 Powered by
■取り扱っている商品は未使用・未開封も含め、全て一度は人の手に渡った一点ものの中古・ジャンク扱いでの商品です。 USED・ジャンク品ということをご理解の上でご入札していただき、ご落札後は 完全ノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願いいたします。
■商品落札後、 48時間以内にご連絡、72時間以内にご入金が確認できない場合は落札者様都合でのキャンセルとさせていただきます。
NotesBoth products are unused and unopened all once passed into the hands of people, including junk and one of a kind used in the treatment of this item is. You bid on the understanding that the USED junk, ask your bid after fully no claim no return in. The situation currently, many exhibits and cannot respond to individual questions. In our inspection when conditions, is listed as a guide only and will never guarantee and product warranty and what isn't. Are second-hand and junk food on our available at buyer's own risk, so as a result we are not any responsibility whatsoever. Who will bid on our products at the mentioned description, shipping method, payment method, notes, etc., will be deemed to be hours of operation and make sure it agreed. I would like thank you so please bid on, so cannot accept any complaints ignored matters concerning what will be in and also check. Also, am here contacting you from cancellation in contact within 48 hours and not remitted within 72 hours if the bidder like convenience and happy. In doing so, YAHOO. From the side of the "very bad" rating with that please.
この商品説明は オークション落札相場サイト「オークファン」出品テンプレート で作成されています。
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