箱買い商品 / 一箱400セット】日本クリノス 目玉クリップ豆10個 Mクリ-5 (納期優先の為単品詰合せの場合が御座います) こちらの商品はメーカーより取り寄せの為、お急ぎの場合は事前にお問い合わせお願い致します。 箱買い商品 / 一箱400セット入り】 W75×D134×H53mm284.3g用紙のサイズや容量に合わせて使い分け。大量の伝票などの保管に。◆箱入◆豆20mm◆入数:10個 In the case of dispatch please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker. [I buy a box and enter product / one 400 sets]
I use it properly to size and capacity of the W75 X D134 X H53mm284 .3 g paper. For the storage such as a large quantity of slips. ◆Treasuring ◆ bean 20mm ◆ number containing: Ten
箱買い商品 / 一箱400セット】日本クリノス 目玉クリップ豆10個 Mクリ-5 (納期優先の為単品詰合せの場合が御座います)
箱買い商品 / 一箱400セット入り】
In the case of dispatch please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker.
[I buy a box and enter product / one 400 sets]
I use it properly to size and capacity of the W75 X D134 X H53mm284 .3 g paper. For the storage such as a large quantity of slips. ◆Treasuring ◆ bean 20mm ◆ number containing: Ten